
Sunshine ^^ Rainbow ^^ Aurora ~

Life, moves on :)

Sunday 30 October 2011

At that Moment of Reflection

The session when I was preparing some 'red eggs' in the kitchen... Thermoreceptor reflex arc made me put down the egg quickly...yet sudddenly there's a sudden reflection in my mind...

We always busy counting how other person treat us and rate them from scale 0 to 10, then will give a score, maybe 0.5 or 1 or 4.758 or 9.9, who knows? We mumbling if we feel others have mistreat us and feel that we should always be treated in the best manner (as part of human nature - self-centred), yet at the same time, when we feel that the distance between your friend and yourself is getting further and further - till a twinning point - where you just don;t know him/her anymore - is it because of you? Or him/her? Or both? Or none?

Ask yourself what have you done for others. Life is not an absolute must.

And because of that - I'll rather continue to believe my friend - with sincerity, as I know - life will be easier in that way =)

When it's a point to come to fill your heart with love or hatred, it's your choice. And I believe, everyone will select a choice that makes his/her life easier =)

Random reflection, it;s sound so true, yet perhaps sometimes in life- there's just something that we don't need to think too much..  

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