
Sunshine ^^ Rainbow ^^ Aurora ~

Life, moves on :)

Friday, 27 January 2012

Short stories before off for 2nd Semester

Sometimes you need more than hard work and luck, to pass / 'score' flying colours in the exam...

Today some girls has started to bump into our house. 2-3 groups.
It's implying the moment to leave soon.
It's a nice house really. Understanding housemates (most of the time/provided NOT get drunk), quiet most of the time, and yeah, saying at least 'hey ya' and 'morgan!' won;t do much harm.
When I am home just now, another of my housemate is off for the last exam as well~
The end of the 1st semester means house hunting has to start again really soon.
I have been receiving bad news for this issue even one day before my first paper...
So, what else?

I find an inner peace and strength in this new house, new room, new housemates.
And when I was together with the viewer just now, everyone like my room, so so much.
Then Ben said, we give you this one because this is the best room in the house.
Only to realise that after staying here for almost half of the year.
How many God's blessings that actually pass through me, just like that, unnoticed.
Indeed He's still kind enough to me...

171, I love you, so much. I may not have the nostalgic feeling like in others.
But, it's YOU.

Today just receive a message from my best friend (may be, more than that).
She's down, since the 1st day of Chinese New Year.
I only remember about it, after I finished my exam.
Such a bad best friend of me.

When our fate is so similar...
When we worked so hard and still disspointed in the end...
What else that cannot come?
Yet : "It's just God's trick to make us stronger. And, at least, we got each other."

A friend in need is a friend, indeed.

Sorry for not being able to be beside at your worst time ever, perhaps.

If we can listen to each other's advice...

Don;t stop helping others, yet how much, yet, disappointment, that should come?

Being in Bath 
Thanks for always reminding me how lucky I am to be in Bath.
All the hardship, yet all the rewards as well.
Dear, you are indeed as well. At least you get it. You just have to move on. Do NOT give up.
I mean, when about thousands others struggling even to get into local universities, what else that we can expect?

Friendship Quoting
Quoting an extract from one of my friend that always offer me new inspiration in life:

"上段恋情,全心投入,结果重伤.于是这次恋爱怕受伤,就很保留。这意味着:上次那个伤你的烂人,得到最完整的你,而这次这个发展中的情人,得到个很冷 淡的你。我知你是保护自己,但这若是做生意,你这店一定倒的。永不再來的恶客,得到最好服务,而新客上门,却备受冷落,这店怎么不倒?"

Thanks for the quote of quote.

Off soon
Off to Malta and Belgium soon.
Arabic, French and German, harmonious blend of languages and cultures and religions...
Just like Malaysia.
My Malaysia.

Tuesday, 24 January 2012





做着冲刺,才了解,自己已经为了考试,太久的:“我应该。。。I THINK。。。我等一下。。。”。。。偶然想起家人,想起朋友-似乎realise到:原来我们每一个人不但有academic responsilibility, 但也有所谓的social responsibility. 我一直想着,考试啊考试啊。。。但后来当我知道家人团聚在一起时,at least 也skype 一下,不为了什么,就只为了这份social responsibility...

同样的,又是温习时,仍会想起一些朋友。。。而至少在第一次需要考试的农历新年,还有几位好友的virtual陪伴,很不离不弃的。他们也明白我考试的忙碌。。。一些简单的good luck charm, 至少让我醒悟:也许我并不是100% 孤单。。。

同时也打电话给大弟,回到大学了却没得上课。。。怪可怜的。幸好他很steady,并没怎样。平淡的语气,我突然间想: 噢,到底是谁长大了?但我仍感受到我们兄弟姐妹之间永远的那种,很与众不同的感情线。。。我看着好多朋友,好多好多,有些和兄弟姐妹都不错,但永远是活在自己的世界;有些更甚,关系紧张,或淡地离奇,让我不可思议。

我明白,每个人,是individual, 长大了都有自己的世界,但偶尔去关心他们、听听他们的想法、告诉他们一些道理,并没有错吧?我庆幸自己即使在国外,和兄弟姐妹的关系,依然融洽。至少,我可以告诉他们,我的一些心声,至少,我从他们每个不同的personality里,学习更多。身为哥哥,我学习包容他么偶然的无理取闹,我锻炼自己的记忆力,告诉自己不要忘记他们每个人的生日,我告诉自己一定要做好榜样。。。也许并不100%称职,但我知道,我,仅的是全力,是本份。。。而他们,欣慰地,也一样。。。


因而这样,我不想我的生活之以自我为中心。也许这样的生活态度被称为‘normal'。自私自利的人生。。。若这样。。。我宁愿成为那’abnormal’ 的一群。我叮嘱自己,要好好生活,可以有自己的思想,但不能不尊重他人的思想,可以有自己的生活空间,但不能忘了自己是群体的一部分,不能忘了要协助别人,不能忘了自己的social responsibility...


还有还有,千万别临时抱佛脚。Last minute 抱佛脚的人,即使多努力拚命不眠不休,想必情况仍欠佳?至少这是我从别人和自己慢慢领悟到的。。。所以:今天写下一切,叮嘱自己,不能忘记。2012年的农历新年,自己没有特别度过,但获取更充实的知识,为了未来更好的照顾病人所需,想必也是——上帝对我的另外一种眷顾吧!


Wednesday, 18 January 2012

CNY 2012

My 400th post, just on the day for my 1st exam, in 2012...

A quick update of everything...

It’s almost Chinese New Year (in just few days), and my brother is flying back to the Peninsular again today, to continue his study.

He supposed to be in a flight at 8.30pm. And in the end, 2 hours delay. Or at least 1.

And he's gonna rushing to Uni, by taking a bus at 2pm.

I am reminded of the humble background that  I always have. As we are from the interior part of Sabah, without an airport (or to be more accurate: with a closed airport). Therefore we are always the latest to arrive at home if everyone depart on the same day, and of course, we have to be super early to get back to airport too.

Time at home is precious to all of us. I still remembered the day when I have to fly back to London, my flight is at the early morning of 6.30 am the next morning. So in the end I had to take the bus at 4.30, not am, but pm, on the day before, to arrive super early at the airport, and killing time there, where I would be more appreciative of I could be given the extra time, to look at the sleeping faces of my bros and sis, again, and again.

This incident repeats so much, that sometimes, I get used to it? Yet it is always so hard to say goodbye. So sometimes I don’t want to see my parents sending me off at airport, if possible. Cost is an issue. Another issue is, saying goodbye and to leave without burden, seems to be harder, when there was someone there.

And all the extra journeys, making us exhausted, not only physically yet also mentally. Very very much. Physically and mentally and emotionally.

And the bitter part is, on the reverse, when there is no one to receive you at the airport. Perhaps I am greedy. Yet I was, and am hoping that, one day my parents can be waiting for my arrival, proudly, at the airport arrival ground.

I remembered there was once upon a time, after arriving, tiredly from long haul flight. In the end even friend(s) that travel together, leave so urgently, even without saying a single goodbye. Bitter. And when you are pulling your heavy suitcase towards the aerobus station, your steps are heavy, yet your heart, perhaps even.
Anyway I am writing this to remind myself, while my brother is back to his student life, fighting for a future. That is what I should really really be doing, too.

Humble background, and a slightly harder life than others, is not an excuse, to stop.


I always find it difficult to find a good balance between hard work patency and knowledge patency.

If you will understand what I mean.

It is comprised of personal concern and public interest.

I tried to understand cause and effect, utilitarianism, deontological reasoning…

It’s not pharmacy ethics.

It’s real life story, that I still, confused.


Soap opera is indeed interesting


It’s only January.

Yet it will be the moment to say goodbye, soon.

And before that I would like to say my heartest thanks to Terry, Anuv, Ben and Stu. Life in 171 is indeed, still pleasing with you all.

Thanks for all the understanding for my occasional irrationality.

Thanks for let me to be at least, part of your life, for this short term of 9 months.


And in just few days, it will be CNY 2012!

To all, hopefully we will survive thorugh the exam!

And of course, not officially celebrating does not mean the wishes are not there!

Happy CNY 2012, everyone!

Wednesday, 11 January 2012















