
Sunshine ^^ Rainbow ^^ Aurora ~

Life, moves on :)

Thursday 15 March 2012

A short term - two days' quick diary







这是一个典型的ethical dilemma  issue —— 没有人是完全对或完全错的。



I would like to seek happiness in the so called Neverland.

Brain noradrenaline and serotonin level must have dropped to the lower region...

Anyway, like my friend, I feel very 'pek-chek' of my housemate - my housemate steal my food again!

If he asked, I would be more than happy to share it with him - there is something that need to be done in the proper way - even if you think you don't have to!

Yet there is no point talking to a person that will never ever realise where his fault on the first place.

And I thought of what my housemate had told me before, when I just about to move into this house.

I smiled - words may be are 'just words'- they are absolutely free, hence why there is so many unfulfilled promise or 'fool' promise in our life.

I smiled - words are free - yet they make people pay prices for them- at the right time - and - at the wrong time.

May be this is just another cycle of life, may be?

Too many 'cubaan', too many 'dugaan' - where is 'harapan'?


To my surprise I receive a cordial invitation from one of my friends.

A 'fancy' dinner with lots of fun!

For such a long time I have not have a proper dinner with people that I love, or at least, that I appreciate in my life.

And also, for the 1st time in my life, after ages, I watched movie with friends again!

May be my life is too busy.

May be I have more other priorities to entertain.

May be, I just have too many EXCUSES in my life.

To those that have brighten up my evening today:



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