
Sunshine ^^ Rainbow ^^ Aurora ~

Life, moves on :)

Friday 3 September 2010

One Week's Summary




I would like to announce that, officially I have finished an English novel, at this holiday, finally!!! Wahahaha!!! It's called "Call After Midnight" by Tess Gerritsen, bought it from UK (The Works) for 1.50 pounds, hehe...

Oh, what a success!

Hey man, others finished 7 series of Harry Potters already, and you just finish an English novel, officially, after how many years reading Robinson Crusoe, Dr.Jekyll and Mr.Hyde and The Pearl, what the...

Perhaps, I'm just another Dr.Jekyll, also...


Two days ago I saw a kite flying high on top of my house's roof (may be a little grammatical error here??? fine...)...

OMG!!! Perhaps that's the second time in my life, a kite, flying high at sky, of Keningau???!!! And when I see who's the kite player --- almost fainted! That's my sis, isn't she??!!

What's she's doing there, man??!!

And would like to comment a little bit here, kite, or call layang-layang or wau in Malay Language, is a type of traditional game, played usually at the state of Kelantan, Malaysia, especially during the windy monsoon season.

Well, since Keningau, this mountain city, is quite windy these few days...I will consider that as a good condition for kite-flying, too...

What ever, please have a look at the kite, yet I must clarify that the kite belong to my neighbour's neighbour, not my sis's, OK?!

And I whispered in my heart, I'm lucky enough to see this kite flying before I went back to UK, again, this end of September...Thank God...

OK, perhaps the kite is just tooooooooooo small, hope you all don't mind...


Managed to go to the State Library this afternoon, with my apple sis, and I manage to get a quite-funny book.

Getting some UPSR materials here, the reference books are not bad, really :)

And then, I discovered a quite-good book called " 巴黎,赛啦!".

And I would like to share an extract from it, quite love it, hey hey~

“但要对大家凶狠,唯一的障碍就是他们(法国人)都礼貌到不行,人人行礼如仪。马克和伯纳每天一见到我就跟我握手,每天早上都会说[bonjour],并问候我[ça va]。当我们分开,他们还会祝我[bon journée],下午时道[bonne après-midi],晚上一点就说[bonne fin d'après midi]。如果第一次见面是在下午五点以后,他们还会说[bonsoir],而不是[bonjour]。如果有人正要回家,分开始则道声[bonne soirée]。还不止如此,星期五会说[bon weekend],星期一会祝[bonne semaine],其复杂程度就像东方语言一样难懂。”

Will that stimulate your interest to study deeper French? It's recognised as one of the most beautiful languages in the world...


Yesterday I managed to get a good badminton game with my dear apple sis, YIPPIEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!! Thx sis! Why my other bros are just soooooooooooo bad?!

Badminton, like Ik Hur's hobby, is my love, is that what 2810 people think?! Well...

I admit I'm quite bad at sport but perhaps not badminton, yeah...

At least, I enjoy it...!!!

And after got enough sweat, it's another toiring session around my house, again, at this peaceful evening...

Oh God, I'll leave this traquility soon, again, am I?

Even my lonely bicycle will wanna figure out where to go, at least after the heavy rain that hits its lovely owner this evening...Yeah, I remembered rushing like crazy, from mom's office to home, due to the sudden rain! And my photocopied items almost wet wholly due to the rain! Hais hais...

And evening at Keningau just never fail to make me sick of it...It reminds me of another peace, tranquility, harmony...

You know Keningau, I just love you soooooooooooooo much!!!

Till then.


Pinkie123 said...

You know what? My home, and Bath gives me the feeling of calm and tranquillity too. I believe as well as our mind is calm,tranquillity shows in our heart regardless hw busy or hw hectic is the world. hehe.

Jackie said...

Agree =)

Thx again, Carol!

I. said...

hahaha! the kite is tinyyyyy! and it looks like a mini aeroplane lol.

and I didn't know you like Badminton lol. we should play together some day. :D

Jackie said...

That's cute Ik Hur, will it be at Edinburgh? or Bath?