
Sunshine ^^ Rainbow ^^ Aurora ~

Life, moves on :)

Monday 14 March 2011


Writing a new diary for this kind-of-peace week.

I am busy partially with BAMSA stuff. Yet compared to last year, it's not guilty anymore.

I do find time is just still limited as usual, yet I find myself giving myself more excuses to slow down, which is good, and bad...

I can;t let myself indulge in total happiness. I mean, there's too many times when I am happy then I will have a deep fall into a very low state, just like maniac people with great swing in their mood. Yet don;t worry guys, I AM NOT MANIC!

Perhaps in the end I accept the fact that happiness is not ultimate for everyone. Indeed. Just appreciate every single moment that can make you smile, and then move on...

In fact I realise some people are actually not very happy, like me, too, can't say they are not contentful. Yet when the reasons used are 'self improvement for future benefit', I find it a little bit too selfish.

Nowdays I realise my calls are extremely ignored by few friend that I am 'close' by, and that's really, really, really, remind me. Although I should kind of accept it as a norm, yet, too cruel to be digested directly.

And while on the way on house hunting, I tried to rely on helps on some friend. And that makes me see the ugly face of some people, suppose their real face. If you refuse to help me, or think you just cannot, can you say it clearly and don;t leave me with commas, and not full stops everytime? You know, it makes everything confusing, I am not sure, and please understand me that suffer emotional restrain to certain extent to find a shelter for next year? Please don;t make it worse by hanging over there, leaving me alone, with uncertainty. I know, it's none of your business, anyway, fine, then...

In the end, I still blaming sometimes. Blaming whoever for making me hanging at this hard position now. Some friend may ask, and sometimes I don't know I should be happy or not. In the end I can only answer people with a slight head shake. A big no with a smile: X Worry, yet...erm...

Yet who cares anyway at the end? I mean, every person regard it as really it is your own business. "Go and find yours, don;t disturb me here, shhu shhu shhu! OUT!"

And BAMSA practise today. Wait like crazy for the no.18 bus for almost an hour! Yet in the end although we arrive at almost 6pm, the real rehearsal is only at 7pm...OMG...I am like, I know, sometimes something is just beyond our control...yet...

Just like my toe-ache. It;s getting more and more prominent. It kinds of settling down before. Yet come again, And the expert can only be seen in 2 weeks time. I am speechless, indeed. Yet apart from shouting pain sometimes, there's really nothing that I can do.

I still find some strength to mix into my friends nowadays. Yet may be the result is quite disappointing. I tried to change my perception, to just observe them from faraway, and smile quietly, sometimes. Yet sometimes I asked myself: 我是在微笑,会心一笑,还是苦笑?

And sometimes I feel that, people don;t like me is due to my own problem or behaviour. Yet that is not a total reason to change your personality. Seriously. I mean, I do hope I can be more widely accepted. I do think about it, quite deep, sometimes, and in the end perhaps...well...yet I will say that individualism is one important aspect in my personalities. So yeah, lonely is prominent, yet, any better way to cope with it?












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