
Sunshine ^^ Rainbow ^^ Aurora ~

Life, moves on :)

Thursday 24 March 2011

Getting attention, etc

A common phenomena that I have observed for a long time...

Some people get attention easily, as he/she starts to talk...
Some people get attention as he/she use such a high amplitude speaker voice...
Some people just hardly get attention, worse as he/she need an amplifier to help to get attention...

In the end, I realise I just can't be the 1st one, neither 2nd...

Is it a change means I should heighten my volume so that everyone will hear me?

Well, that's not me.

Stop the nonsense if you refuse to change! Don't talk crap here!

Oops, sorry...


And I don't know if I realise the correct thing.
Sometimes I feel that my friend want me to revert back to Old Jackie as at UCSI.
May be it is so that, at least when I am being ignored. I won't feel so bad, neither do them.
I mean, they just don't wanna see my sad face anyway, as they really don't know how to approach / face me at the end? Or they just don;t care how they should approach me...

Yet you know, even UCSI changed name to UCSI U.

And perhaps, is my excessive thinking again.
I mean, perhaps no one have thought about it in the end...
Who cares about you in the end? Everyone has own life to buzy with, you know...

Yeap yeap yeap, I KNOW. I KNOW. I KNOW.


Spring has come to Bath at the end.
Sun bathing every day.

I did realised some of my friend is seeing GP recently.
Yet in the end, I think that, it's time to stop asking now.
People will not interpret it as concern, anyway.
May be, worse.

I lost the courage to get to know that.

I don't want to be accused to be something else again.

I admit I wanna know, sometimes I wonder, is such a thought, actually, is wrong?
Or, against the normal norm?

I need an answer, what is the norm? Because it is determined by all of you.
And sadly, I lost in updating myself with it, from time to time.

Sometimes I find myself lost in following a multi-person conversation.
Not dementia.
Yeah, too early...


And to Ang2, it's an impresive result in the end.

Apology as I have a dispensing test to rush.
If not, I wish to stay longer time with you.

You will do it =)
You know that =)
I believe that =)


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