
Sunshine ^^ Rainbow ^^ Aurora ~

Life, moves on :)

Saturday 25 December 2010

London: White Christmas + Boxing Day

Currently is at London, England, UK now. Doing absolutely nothing! Today is just a total relax, I will say! Yeah, I mean, I'm not even so relax on a single Christmas when in Malaysia! LOL~

Now I am staying at Aylwin's house. He's one of my UCSI friend, during my A Level College days. He's really hospitable. Make me remember MH - Malaysian Hospitality! On the Christmas dawn when we just arrived from Barcelona and straightaway went to his house. We;re welcomed with hot, delicious chicken soup.

And today we had chicken curry noodles and bee-hoons as our lunch. Really really, I will say that Aylwin is really a great cook! Always! And when I saw his drawers collection of Malaysians spices and powders and foods. Only 3 words came out from my mouth: OH MY GOD!!!

Then we had 'tang yuan' as our teatime. I had reminded them very nicely that the glutinous rice is not ideal for easy digestion, hence not so suitable to be consumed, especially near dinner time. Anyway the chocolate and peanuts tang yuans are still delicious to be eaten with the sugary liquid, hahaha~

Then dinner was the really awesome part. We had Belacan British Green / Kailan, fried pork, onion tomatoes, Black-cooked chicken, Beer Chicken, and delicious orange+apple+mango juice as our dinner! Truthfully speaking I really think that Aylwin is really afraid that we'll starve. So he really cooked A LOT OF food, and in the end our hypothesis proved to be correct. It's in excess! Nyiao! So the SYOM (Settle your own meal) plan at Boxing Day tomorrow may have to be cancelled...hohoho~

Anyway just wanna express my greatest gratitude to Aylwin and his very lovely hallmates here. They are just so nice and Aylwin really reminded me of Borneoan hospitality! Feel like mine has been fading to almost zero...sad...

It's a great Christmas I will say. Looking to outside the window. The street is just so quiet. Only few passers-by occasionally. It's rare to have such a scene in the buzzing city of London I will say. Listen to Aylwin's GuZheng performance till I slept, and only then to discover that I actually had taken a 3 hours nap at this afternoon! LOL~ Good also 'lah' as I really had insomnia on the plane EZY2268 Barcelona-London, anyway.

Thanks to Laura and Pascalina for the great Christmas wishes. Appreciate it!

Had been quite unwell since the last 2 days at Barcelona till now. The headache had faded slowly yet my stomach problem is getting more sinister now. So bad~ Gastric pain has faded away yet abdominal bloating is persisting and torturing me. Even as a partial-responsible pharmacist I really have no idea of what should be done now...oh my...I will say that frequent visit to toilet is the only solution now. I know it may be due to the worsening side effects of erythromycin, or it maybe a new health problem to my 'lovely' body now, hemmmmmmm...

Perhaps it;s great to stay at Aylwin's house for more days yet I realise that I miss my house at Bath so badly now. Easy relax is a good relax yet it;s just a temporary escape. Life is always about fulfilling responsibilities anyway. Now is as a child, as a Pharmacy student. In the future is as a responsible pharmacist.

And I will end today with a song that my sister has prescribed to me months ago. It's old yet I love it! Hopefully it will cheer you up, too!

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